Natasha Laroo Natasha Laroo

Setting Goals and Intentions

Our survival brain prefers the familiar or what has kept us alive so we often operate on autopilot for most of our day which is so hard to break free from habits that no longer serve us.

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Natasha Laroo Natasha Laroo

Why do I people please and how can I stop?

Helping people can make us feel really great but if we get caught in the cycle of saying yes to everyone and everything we can end up over extending ourselves and at times feeling frustrated that we have said yes to something that wasn’t in our own best interests.

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Natasha Laroo Natasha Laroo

Depressed because I am lazy and lazy because I am depressed

The symptoms of depression and anxiety work to maintain the illness but what if rather than giving into these symptoms and criticising yourself for being “lazy” you actually listened to your bodies need for rest and how much fuel you have in the tank so to speak?

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